Anniversary Specials!

November 19th marks the 17th Anniversary of our Medical Practice! Unbelievable how time flies! In gratitude, we are offering several Anniversary Specials this month, including Savings on Dysport (a botulinum similar to Botox) and injectable fillers of the Restylane family.

Save $50 on Dysport on one area, $75 off two areas, $100 off three or more areas.

Save $50 on one syringe of Restylane, $150 off two syringes of: Restylane, Restylane Silk, Restylane Lyft (Perlane), Refyne & Defyne.

Save on Clear+Brilliant: The Clear+Brilliant laser has become one of our most popular treatments to improve skin texture and reduce pore size. C+B Permea treats melasma as well, with little downtime! Save $200 of a package of 3 Clear+Brilliant.

Enjoy amazing Savings on Ultherapy: Receive a FREE Neck treatment with purchase of Ultherapy full face (a $1395 value)!

Thank you for being part of our Cosmetic Dermatology Practice. Please enjoy these specials through the month of November.