Photofacials & Laser Resurfacing

Skin is the largest organ in the body and creates a barrier to the outside world. Over time, due to environmental exposures and aging, our skin has less collagen and can develop pigment abnormalities, erythema (redness) and broken vessels can bubble to the surface. Those genetically prone may develop Rosacea, characterized by flushing, and erythema. Stress may cause superficial blistering or pustules and a feeling of heat in the face. Rosacea in men may result in Rhinophyma.

Photofacial laser treatments can improve unsightly brown spots and red vessels of the skin. It is the currently the definitive treatment for Rosacea. Other benefits include: stimulating collagen in the epidermis which tightens the skin, improving skin tone and texture, correcting dyspigmentation (melasma & brown spots), and reducing pore size and acne scarring.  Resurfacing lasers also stimhelps prevent the signs of aging and maintain younger-looking skin.

Dr. Brozowski performs all treatments herself, and does not use an IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) found at Laser Centers which are not actual lasers, but are light-based machines. Instead, the doctor uses a diode laser with multiple wavelengths to treat both brown spots and red vessels and correct skin problems.

Laser resurfacing is a cornerstone therapy for skin health. In the same way that all patients are recommended to visit the dentist every six months for routine care of their teeth, twice-a-year laser treatments help skin maintenance via collagen stimulation, decreasing brown spots and red vessels, and re-gaining the healthy glow of youth. Please schedule a consultation at either of our offices to learn how you may benefit from photorejuvenation.  Dr. Brozowski offers laser resurfacing and photofacials in Berkeley, California as well as at her Ketchum, Idaho office.

*From 2005-2019, Dr.Brozowski performed over 6,000 individual laser laser photofacial procedures.


Photofacial laser treatments can eliminate brown and red spots from your face and stimulate collagen production for a more youthful complexion.  The procedure is quick and comfortable with no down time. Combining photofacial laser treatments with Botox and fillers significantly improves the appearance of age. The result is a more even skin tone, with a disappearance of broken vessels, red and brown spots and sun damage. 

Conditions that can be treated with laser resurfacing include:

  • Brown spots

  • Broken capillaries (telangectasias)

  • Rosacea, red spots

  • Cherry Angiomas (red moles)

  • Melasma

  • Skin laxity of the face, neck and decolletage

  • Sun damage of the face, neck and hands

  • Liver and age spots

  • Dull, aging skin

  • Freckling



Will I notice an improvement in my skin after the laser treatment?

Yes. Once the redness subsides, you will notice an immediate improvement in any broken capillaries of the nose and face.  Brown spots and age spots will darken temporarily and then slough off.  Rosacea patients will see a decrease in overall facial redness.  Collagen production increases more slowly and you should see progress in skin tightness over the following months.

How does the photofacial laser treatment done at your office compare with other photorejuvenation treatments? 

In our office, Dr. Brozowski performs all aesthetic procedures herself.  Our philosophy is that it is important to have licensed physicians trained in Cosmetic Dermatology perform all laser and minimally invasive cosmetic procedures to ensure the highest safety standard with optimum results.  To maximize treatment results, we suggest combining photofacials with a microdermabrasion treatment.  This provides deeper penetration of the laser and produces even more collagen stimulation.

What is collagen?

Collagen is a natural substance that provides strength and elasticity to the skin.  Young, healthy skin contains an abundance of collagen and hyaluronic acid.  As we age, we lose approximately 1% of our dermal collagen per year.  This is exacerbated by overexposure to the sun and other lifestyle factors.  Where collagen diminishes, lines and wrinkles skin begin to appear as the skin sags.  Resurfacing procedures such as photofacial laser therapy can increase the collagen level in your skin overall, and fillers can provide collagen enhancement to specific areas for a fuller effect.

How many photofacial laser treatments are recommended?

Although you will notice an improvement with each treatment, Dr. Brozowski recommends three treatments initially every six weeks, with maintenance once-a-year.

What is the level of discomfort during and after the treatment?

The treatment has a low level of discomfort. While the laser itself is minimally uncomfortable, we will apply a topical anesthetic, depending on the area treated, to ensure that you are comfortable throughout the procedure.   Immediately after the treatment, you can expect slight redness and swelling which is temporary and generally disappears within a few days.   Patients are able to continue their daily routine after the treatment and can return to work immediately. 

How long will each photofacial laser treatment take?

Each session will last approximately 30 minutes, which includes the time to apply topical anesthesia to make your treatment more comfortable.

How should I take care of my skin after the photofacial laser treatment?

We recommend a mild cleanser, moisturizer and   sunscreen to protect your results and prevent the recurrence of unsightly sun spots and Rosacea.  Our staff will be happy to show you products that will maximize your recovery and protect your investment in yourself.

What are patients saying about photofacial treatments done in your office?

"I have been overjoyed with the results of photofacial. Much improvement in overall skin tone and decrease in hyper-pigmentation. Dr. B makes everything easy, she's very informative and really an expert at what she does. I would recommend her services and in fact have -- for my husband, who is having similarly excellent results."

"I had a photofacial at Dr. Brozowski's office and I am thrilled with the results. My complexion is healthier looking."

"I have to say I enjoyed the whole process, as much as anyone can enjoy being zapped with a laser. The office staff and Dr. B have a great friendly attitude and make the whole experience relaxing and easy. I definitely would and have recommended this to many friends."


Please call us at 510.549.3333 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Christine Brozowski to evaluate your skin for laser resurfacing in our Berkeley office, in the San Francisco Bay Area of California, or in Ketchum, Idaho in the Sun Valley area.